The right harvest cut with the GARDENA AssistCut
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The right cut for a good harvest

Saatat kysyä itseltäsi, miksi puiden leikkaaminen on niin tärkeää, kun puut kantoivat hedelmää menneinä aikoina ilman, että niitä olisi koskaan leikattu. Lue alta, mitä hyötyä karsimisesta on sekä vinkkimme leikkuutyöhön.

cutting trees

You might ask yourself why winter pruning is so important today when trees used to bear fruit in times gone by without ever being pruned.

Before you venture forth and get started, it is advisable to take a closer look at your tree so that you don't make any critical errors during pruning. The best time for pruning is on a dry winter's day when the temperature is not below - 5 °C. Since it is possible to make a lot of mistakes when pruning, here are the most important points at a glance:

Cutting trees to offer a good harvest

Winter pruning is not only recommended in order to promote a good harvest - it also protects fruit trees from diseases such as apple scab. Such diseases can spread undisturbed in straggly branches which have not been pruned. Problems with fungal attacks and rotten branches can, however, also occur if trees are not pruned correctly. Different methods of pest control are highly recommended in the winter, too. You can, for example, use a wire brush to remove loose pieces of bark from trunks, which is where most pests seek sanctuary.

Since pruning trees in winter represents a real challenge for many garden owners, it is often neglected. However, to obtain a better harvest even inexperienced amateur gardeners should bite the bullet - because practice makes perfect.

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